Silicone foam meets the requirements of industry for resistance to extreme temperatures (from -50°C to + 230°C and for special types even up to + 280°C).
In addition, some silicone foam types are suitable for use with food, does not contain any toxic substances, is not corrosive, non-adhesive and non-electrically conductive.
Silicone foam is also available in a flame-retardant version in accordance with UL94.
Our silicone foam is resistant to ageing, weathering, UV and ozone, and is resistant to radioactivity/X-rays > 100,000 grays (10,000,000 RADS typ.), and has very good chemical resistance.
Our silicone foam is available in the standard colours white and red-brown.
Our silicone foam products are used, for example, as square profiles or round cords in the automotive industry, in the food processing industry, or in medical technology.
We can manufacture all products made of silicone foam customised in accordance with your specifications, including in small series or in in one-off production.
Please get in touch!
We would be happy to make you an offer tailored to your requirements.